Paradise wedding

When Drea and Marty moved to Queenstown from Melbourne, just over a year ago they decided to get married in Paradise, a short 75minute drive from Queenstown. They took this wonderful opportunity to show off to all their family and friends the spectacular location they now call home.

The night prior to their ceremony we were blessed with a short but sharp cold front and we woke to snow on the mountain tops – the scene was set. Drea and Marty’s ceremony was like no other I have ever been fortunate to attend, they are both creative people and their vows (which in Drea’s case, were pages long) were full of love and laughter and words shared with their guests were inspirational.

Currently, Drea and Marty are in Italy on their honeymoon and I am looking forward to their return home to discuss their wedding day as well as their trip to Italy.
